
Syllabus for the Bachelor of Social Sciences (B.S.S) Degree
Academic Session: 2011-2012
Department of Political Studies
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
School of Social Sciences

First Year Semester I
Course No. Course Title
Theory +Lab.
PSS-111 Fundamentals of Political Science
3 + 0
PSS-112 Introduction to Public Administration
3 + 0
PSS-113 Ancient & Medieval Political Thought
3 + 0
ECO-103 Principles of Economics
4 + 0
SOC-101B Principles of Sociology
3 + 0
PSS-100 Seminar + Viva Voce
0 + 4

14+ 6

First Year: Semester II

Course No.
Course Title
Theory +Lab.
PSS-121 Oriental Political  Thought
3+ 0
PSS-122 Public Administration in Bangladesh
PSS-123 Political Institution
STA-102 Statistics for Social and Political Research-I
English Language (Theory)
English Language (Lab)
2 +0
0+ 2
BNG – 101 Bangla Language (Theory)

Bangla Language  (Lab)
PSS-200 Seminar +Viva-Voce
0 + 4

16 + 6

Second Year Semester I
Course No. Course Title
Theory +Lab.
PSS-231 Modern Political Thought
3 + 0
PSS-232 British Colonial Role in India and People’s Resistance
3 + 0
PSS-233 Introduction to Local Government
SCW-201 Social Welfare Policy and Programs
3 + 0
STA-205 Statistics for Social and Political Research-II
3 + 0
PSS-300 Seminar +Viva-Voce
0 + 4


Second Year: Semester II

Course No. Course Title
PSS-241 Major Political Systems (UK, USA, Japan, China)
4 + 0
PSS-242 Political Sociology
PSS-243 Islamic Political Systems
PSS-244 Approaches to the Study of Politics
PSS-245 Politics and Personalities in the Sub Continent
3+ 0
PSS-400 Seminar +Viva-Voce
0 + 4


Third Year Semester 1

Course No. Course Title
Theory +Lab
PSS-351 Introduction to International Politics
PSS- 352 Research Methodology – 1
PSS-353 Military and Politics in the Developing Countries
PSS-354 Introduction to Political Economy
4 + 0
ECS-205J Database Management & Programming
ECS-206J Database Management & Programming – Lab
PSS-500 Seminar + Viva Voce
0+ 4


Third Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title
Theory +Lab
PSS-361 Political History of the Modern World
PSS-362 Research Methodology-II
PSS-363 Rural Development & Rural Politics
PSS-364 War of Liberation  & Emergence of Bangladesh (1947-1971)
ANP-201 Political Anthropology
PSS- 600 Seminar + Viva Voce


Fourth Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title
Theory +Lab.
PSS-471 Gender Politics
PSS-472 Politics in South   Asia
PSS-473 Foreign Policies of Major Powers
PSS-474 Comparative Politics
PSS-475 Politics in Developing Countries
3+ 0
PSS-700 Seminar + Viva-Voce

15+ 4

Fourth Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title
Theory +Lab
PSS-481 Political Management in Bangladesh
3 + 0
PSS-482 Project Management
3 + 0
PSS-483 Public Policy Analysis
3 + 0
PSS-484 Globalization: International Organizations & Financial Institutions
3 +0
PSS-485 Politics in Bangladesh
3 + 0
PSS-800 Seminar (Prepare & Research proposal) +  Viva-Voce
0 + 4

15+ 4


PSS-102: POLITICS AND ADMINISTRATION IN BANGLADESH ( minor Course for students of other  differents)
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
a) Fundamental concepts: State, Power, Sovereignty Law, Liberty Government, Institution, Nationalism constitution democracy, Dictatorship Unitary and Federal Government.
b)  Bangladesh: Society and Politics
c) Background of Bangladesh:  Nationalism War of Liberation Nature and leadership
d) Political Process of Bangladesh: Democratic practices and Constitutional Experimentation in Bangladesh Military rule.  Civilization process power and function of the organs of government (Executive – legislature and Judiciary.
e) Constitutional framework of Bangladesh public Administration
f)  Central Personnel Agencies:
i) Ministry of Establishment (MOE)
ii) Bangladesh Public Service Commission n (BPSC)
g)  Structure and Functions of Bangladesh Secretariat and Attached Departments.
h) Bureaucracy in Bangladesh: Characteristics and Functions.
i) Local Government in  Bangladesh.

Books Recommended:
1. Rymond G Gettle, Political Science, Boston: inn and Co., 1910
2. J.W Garner, Introduction to Political Science, NY: American Book Com., 1910
3. Alan Ball, Modern Politics and Government, London: Macmillan Press, 1977
5. Laski H.J, A Grammar of Politics, London, Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1931
6. K.C Wheare, Modern Constitutions, London: Oxford University Press, 1952
7. Harris, Foundations of Political Science.
8. Rodee Anderson & Chritto (ed.), Introduction to Political Science
9. Gullic, Luther H. and Lyndell Urwick. Papers on the Science of Administration, New York: Institute of Public Administration, 1937.
10. White, L. D. Introduction to the Study o Public Administration, New York: The Free Press, 1926.
11. Jahan, Rounaq Bangladesh Politics Problems & Issues
12. Jahan , Rounaq, Pakistan, Failure in National Integration, NY, Columbia University Press, 1972
13. Halim, Abdul: Constitution, Constitutional law and Politics Bangladesh Perspective
14. Constitution of people’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Ton. De Vos, Introduction to Politics
10. Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science.
11. Kapur A.C, Principles of Political Science
12.R C Agarwal, Political Theory

Major courses
PSS-111: Fundamentals of Political Science
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

a) Political Science: Meaning, Nature, and Scope of Political Science. Methods- Historical, Observational, Experimental & Comparative.  Relationship with other Social Sciences. Significance of the Study of Political Science.
b)  Theorizing the State: Meaning & Elements, Nature, Functions, Purpose & Ends of the State. Origin & Development of State, Sovereignty-Meaning & Characteristics, Liberal Marxist, Police state, Welfare state, Islamic state, state Government relationship, State and other Institutions,  Monism and Pluralism.
c) Fundamental Concepts: Liberty-Meaning, Nature & Kinds, Equality-Meaning, Nature & kinds, Relationships between Liberty & Equality. Rights- Meaning, Nature, Kinds, Theories on Rights, , Protection of Rights. Justice - Meaning, Nature, kinds.
Nationalism, Internationalism: Meaning and Nature.
d) Ethics and Equity
e) Law: Meaning, Source, Kinds, Theories on Origin & Nature of Law.

Books Recommended:
1. Rymond G Gettle, Political Science, Boston: inn and Co., 1910
2. J.W Garner, Introduction to Political Science, NY: American Book Com., 1910
3. Alan Ball, Modern Politics and Government, London: Macmillan Press, 1977
5. Laski H.J, A Grammar of Politics, London, Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1931
6. K.C Wheare, Modern Constitutions, London: Oxford University Press, 1952
7. Harris, Foundations of Political Science.
8. Rodee Anderson & Christo (ed.), Introduction to Political Science
9. Ton. De Vos, Introduction to Politics
10. Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science.
11. Kapur A.C, Principles of Political Science
12.R C Agarwal, Political Theory
13.H Finer,Theory and Practice of Modern Government

PSS-112: Introduction to Public Administration

3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
1. Public Administration: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance; Public and Private Administration; Approaches to the Study of Public Administration; Paradigms of Public Administration; Public Administration and Other Social Sciences.
2. Concepts of Public Administration: Power and Authority; Hierarchy; Division of Work; Co-ordination; Span of Control; Unity of Command; Line and Staff; Centralisation and Decentralisation; Departmentalisation.
3. Organisation: Formal and Informal Organisation.
4. Organisation Theories: (a) Classical Theories: Scientific Management and F. W. Taylor; Administrative Management and Henry Fayol; Bureaucracy and Max Weber. (b) Neo-Classical/Behavioural Theories: Human Relations Movement and Elton Mayo. (c) Modern Theories: Systems Theory and Contingency Theory.
5. Processes of Organisation: Motivation; Leadership; Communication; Decision-Making.
Books Recommended:
1.Barber, Michael P. Public Administration, London: The English Language Book Society and M & E Ltd., 1978.
2.  Barnard, Chester I. The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1968.
3. Chandler, Ralph C. and Jack C. Plano. The Public Administration Dictionary, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 1988.
4. Corson, John J. and Joseph P. Harris. Public Administration in Modern Society, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1963.
5. Frederickson, H. G. New Public Administration, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1980.
6. Golembiewsky, R. T. Public Administration as a Developing Discipline, New York: Marcel Dekkar, 1977.
7. Gortner, Harold F. Administration in the Public Sector, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1977.
8. Gullick, Luther H. and Lyndell Urwick. Papers on the Science of Administration, New York: Institute of Public Administration, 1937.
9. Heffron, Florence. Organization Theory and Public Organizations: The Political Connection, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.
10. Henry, Nicholas. Public Administration and Public Affairs, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.
11. Hicks, Herbert G. and C. Ray Gullett. Organizations: Theory and Behavior, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1975.
12. Hughes, Owen E. Public Management and Administration: An Introduction, London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1994.
13. Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul. Paradoxes in Public Administration: Dimensions of Development, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1990.
14. Jack Rabin, Bartley Hildreth and Gerald Miller (Eds.) Handbook of Public Administration, New York: Marcel Dekkar, 1989.
15. Kast, Fremont E. and James E. Rosenzweig. Contingency Views of Organization and Management, Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc. 1973.
16. Kast, Fremont E. and James E. Rosenzweig. Organization and Management: A Systems and Contingency Approach, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985.
17. Khan, Haroon A. Public Administration: An Introduction, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1997.
18. Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat. Bureaucratic Self-Preservation: Failure of Major Administrative Reform Efforts in the Civil Service of Pakistan, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 1980.
19. Lane, Frederick S. Current Issues in Public Administration, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.
20. Maheshwari, S. R. Administrative Thinkers, New Delhi: Macmillan India Limited, 1998.
21. McCurdy, Howard E. Public Administration: A Synthesis, Sydney: Cummings Publishing Company, 1977
22. Nigro, F. and L. Nigro. Modern Public Administration, New York: Harper & Row, 1977.
23. Ostrom, Vincent. The Intellectual Crisis in American Public Administration, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1974.
24. Pugh, Derek S. and David J. Hickson. Writers on Organizations, England: Penguin Books, 1996.
25. Shafritz, Jay M. (Ed.) Defining Public Administration, Colorado: Westview Press, 2000.
26.Shafritz, Jay M. and Albert C. Hyde (Eds.) Classics of Public Administration, Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1992.
27. Simon, H. A.; D. W. Smithburg and V. A. Thompson. Public Administration, New York: Alfred Knopf, 1950.
28. United Nations. Rethinking Public Administration: An Overview, New York: United Nations, 1998.
29. Weber, Max. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, Translated by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, New York: Oxford University Press, 1962.
30. White, L. D. Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, New York: The Free Press, 1926.

PSS -113:  Ancient And Medieval Political Thought

3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

a) Development of Political Thought;
b)  Ionian School of Philosophy;
c)  Greek City States and Greek Philosophy-Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
d) Four Schools of Thought: Sophism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Cynicism
e)  Roman Thought-  Polybius, Cicero,
f)  Feudalism, Kingship and Church, Church -State Conflict, St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. Marshilio of Padua,
g)  Councilor Movement.
Books Recommended:
1. Barker, Ernest, Greek Political Theory.
2. Sabine, G.H.: History of Political Theory.
3. Dunning, W.A., Histories of Political Theories (Vol. II & I.)
4. Rosenthal, Erwin, Mediaeval Muslim Political Thought.
5. Cocker, F.W., Readings in Political Philosophy.
6. Suda, J.P., History of Political Thought.
7. Lencaster, Cl.W. Master of Political Thought.
8. Gettle, R, History of Political Thought.
9. Plamentaz, John, Man & Society.(Vol. I) & I)
10. Ebensein. W, Great Political Thinker.
11. McDonald, L.C, Western Political Theory.
12. Russell, B: A History of Western Philosophy.
PSS-121: Oriental political thought
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
a) Ancient Indian Political Thought – Background: Sources.
-Brahmanic, Buddist and Jain Traditions.
-Kautilya and Arthashastra
-Atish Dipankar, Vibekananda, Abul Fazal
b) Ancient Chinese Political Thought: Confucianism, Taoism , Mao - Ze -  Dong
c) Sufism
d) Arab- African Political Thought: Al - Farabi, Ibne Khaldun., Ibne Sina, Imam Gazzali, Khomeni, G. A. Naser, M. Gaddafi.

Books Recommended:
1. Ruben levy, The Social Structuree of Islam, 1669
2. Kautilya, The Arthashstra.
3. R. Joyram, Indian Political Thought
4. B.A. Selatore, Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institution
5. H.G. Greel, Confusions and  The Chineses Way.
6. H.K. Sherwani, Muslim Political Thought Administration, 1976.
7. U.A. B. Razia Akter Banu, Islam in Bangladesh, 1992.
8. Fazlur Rahman, Islam and Modernity , 1982
9. U.N. Ghshal, A History of Indian Political Ideas.
10. Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery of India
11. Hafiz Malik , Muslim Nationalism in India and Pakistan.

PSS-122:  Public Administration in Bangladesh

3 Hours / Week, 3 credits

a)  Philosophy of the Constitution: Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and its Provisions Relating to Public Administration.
b)  Historical Background of Public Administration in Bangladesh: (a) The Structure and Organization of Public Administration in British India; (b) State of Public Administration in United Pakistan (c) Government Organs and their interrelationship; (d) Secretariat Set- up, Ministries, Divisions, Departments, Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Bodies/Agencies- Structure, Functions and Relationship; (e) Field Administration in Bangladesh: District and Upozilla Administration- Structure, Functions, Control and Coordination.  (f) Public Administration System in Bangladesh.
c) Bangladesh Civil Service: (a) Inter-cadre Conflict; (b) Accountability and Transparency; (c) Administrative Corruption.
d)   Politics-Administration Interface: Role of Bureaucracy in Public Policy Formulation and    Implementation.
e)  Role of the Central Personnel Agencies: The Ministry of Establishment and Bangladesh Public Service Commission.
f)   Public Corporation: Problems and Prospects.
g) Problems and Issues: Field of Public Administration in Bangladesh.

Books Recommended:
1. Muneer Ahmed, A Hand Book of Public Administration.
2. Inayatullah (Ed), Bureaucracy & Development in Pakistan;
3. M.M.Khan & Zafarullah (ed), Politics & Bureaucracy in New Nation Bangladesh.
4.Ahmed, Ali, Role of Higher Civil Servants in Bangladesh.
5. Chowdhury. M. A, The Civil Service in Pakistan.
6. Haque. A N M S, Administrative Reform in Pakistan
7. Chowdhury M, Pakistan Its Politics & Bureaucracy
8.La Palambora  , Bureaucracy & Development
9. Rahman S, Administrative Elite in Bangladesh
10.Khan Mahabbat, Politics of Administrative reform in Bangladesh
11. P.N. Banerzee, Public Administration in Ancient India.
12. Md.Asaduzzaman, Bangladesher Lokproshashon (Bangla)

PSS-123:  political institutions
3 Hours / Week, 3 Credits
1. Meaning and Classification of Constitutions.
 2. Classification and Forms of Government: Democracy and Dictatorship, Totalitarianism, Parliamentary and Presidential Government, Unitary & Federal Government, problems and New Trends of Federalism.
 3. Organs of Government: Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, Separation of powers, Bureaucracy.
 4. Rule of Law, Administrative Law.
5. Election Commission and Representation. Public Opinion. Elite.
 6. Political Parties, Interest Groups.

Books Recommended:
1. Ball, A.R Modern Politics and Government.
2. Finer, H The Theory and Practice of Modern Government.
3. Laski, H. J., A Grammar of Politics.
4. Wheare, K. C: Modern Constitution.
5. Maclver, R. M. The Web of Government.
6. Gettle, R.G, Political Science.
7. Strong. C. F. Modern Political Constitutions.
8. Beard, Modern Government

PSS-231: Modern Political Thought
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits.

a) Socio -Economic Background of Modern Political Thought
b) Renaissance and Reformation- Machiavelli, Bodin; Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau.
c) Liberalism and  Utilitarianism: J. S. Mill, H. Spencer, Thomas Green, Marry Wollstancraft
Idealism: Kant, Hegel
Socialism: K. Marx, F. Engels, V. I. Lenin
Totalitarianism: Trotsky, Stalin, Nazism, Fascism.
Existentialism: J. P. Sartre, Semon de Beauvoir.
Books Recommended:
1. Barker, Ernest, Greek Political Theory.
2. Sabine, G.H.: History of Political Theory.
3. Dunning, W.A. , Histories of Political Theories(Vol. II) & I.
4. Rosenthal, Erwin, Mediaeval Muslim Political Thought.
5. Cocker, F.W., Readings in Political Philosophy.
6. Suda, J.P. , History of Political Thought.
7. Lencaster, Cl.W. Master of Political Thought.
8. Gettle, R, History of Political Thought.
9. Plamentaz, John, Man & Society.(Vol. I & II)
10. Ebensein. W, Great Political Thinker.
11. McDonald, L.C, Western Political Theory.
12. Russell, B: A History of Western Philosophy.
13. Lenin: State & Revolution
14. R.N. Carew Humt, The History & Practice of Communism.

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

a) Nature of colonial rule, consequences of colonialism on the economy, society and culture
b) Constitutional development: Act of 1881; Act of 1892; Simla Deputation of 1906; Act of 1909; Lucknow Pact 1916; Montegu-Chelmsford Reform or Act of 1919 and Dyarchy; Bengal Pact of 1923; Simon Commission of 1927; Nehru Report of 1928; Jinna’s 14-Point of 1929; Round table conferences 1930-32; Communal Award of 1932; Act of 1935 and Provincial  Autonomy; 1937 Election and Formation of Ministry; Lahore Resolution of 1940; Cripps Mission of 1942; 1945-46 Elections; Ministries in Bengal; Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946; Mount Batten Plan; Indian Independence Act.
c) People’s Resistance: Socio-economic and religious movement, Wahabi, Farazi, Peasant movement, Swadeshi, Fakir-Sannyashi, Indigo cultivators, Bhadralok samaj, Bansher Kella (Bamboo Fort), Alighar Movement, Khilafat movement and Ali Brothers.

Books Recommended:
1. Callerd, K.  : Pakistan _ A Political Study.
2. Sayeed, K . B  : The Political System of Pakistan
3. Chowdhury, G. W. - Constitutional Development in Pakistan
4. Chowdhury, G. W.  : The Last Days of United Pakistan.
5. Rounaq, J: Pakistan Failure in National Integration.
6. Maniruzzamamn, T.- The Politics of Development.
7 Rounaq, J:Bangladesh Revolution & Its Aftermath.
8. Rounaq, J: Group Interest & Political Change : Studies  of  Pakistan & Bangladesh.
9. Muhith, A.M.A: Bangladesh; Emergence of a New Nation,
10. Broomfield, J. H.: Elite Conflict in Plural Society- Twentieth Century Bengal.
11. Banergee. Chandra. Anil, The New History of Modern India, Calcutta, 1983.

PSS-233: introduction to local GOVERNMENT
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

a) Introduction to Local Government: Meaning; Principles and Characteristics; Rationale; Types and Models of Local Government.
b) Decentralisation and People’s Participation: Meaning; Types; Importance.
c) Local Government in British Period (1870-1947): Evolution of Local Government in British India; Various Acts e.g., Chowkidary Panchayet Act 1870, 1882, 1885; Report on the Decentralisation Committee 1907-1909; Morley-Minto Reforms; Montageu-Chelmsford Reforms; Bengal Village Local Government Act 1919; Leving Report 1913-14.
d) Local Government in Pakistan Period (1947-1971): Basic Democracies Order of Ayub Khan.
e) Local Government in Bangladesh: (a) Evolution, Structure, Composition and Functions; (b) Central-Local Relations; (c) Local Level Planning; (d) Local Government Finance; (e) Local Government Reform Commissions/Committees. 

Books Recommended:
1. Ahmod, Ali: Administration of Local Self – Government in Rural Areas in Bangladesh. Dhaka, NILG, 1979,
2. Siddiqui, Kamal: Local Government in Bangladesh: Leading Issues and Major Chellenges, Dhaka, UPL, 2000.
3. Siddiqui, Kamal: Local Government in Bangladesh Dhaka, UPL, 1194,
4. Siddiqui, Kamal: Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative  Study, Dhaka, UPL,  2000.
5. Ali, S, Moqsood: Decentralization  and People’s Participation in Bangladesh, Dhaka, NIPA , 1981.
6. Hye , Hasnath Abduul: Local Level Planning, Dhaka, NILG.

PSS-241: Major Political Systems (UK, USA, japan, CHINA)
4 Hours/week, 4 Credits
a) United Kingdom-Development & Nature of the Constitution. Law & Convention, the Crown, the Parliament, the Financial Control by the Parliament, the Cabinet, the Civil Service, the Judiciary, Political Parties & Pressure Groups.
b) U.S.A.-Development and Nature of the Constitution, the President, the Congress, the Committee System of the Congress, the Judiciary, & Judicial Review. Political Parties & Pressure Groups
c) China-Chinese Revolution, Nature and Development the Constitution, Chinese Peoples Congress. President  & Council of Ministers; Role of the Communist Party. Problems & Prospects of the Chinese Political System
d) Japan: Meiji Restoration, Party system, Democratization process etc.
Books Recommended:
1. Amos, M. S. Lectures on the American Constitution .
2. Begehot, W.  : The English Consti tution.
3. Beard  C. A . American Government & Politics,
4. Brogan , D.W. ;American Political System.
5. Chien, Tuan-Sheng  _ The Government & Politics of China.
6. Finer, H . : Government of Greater European Powers.
7. Finer, S. E . : Comparative Government.
8. Jennings , W I  : Cabinet Government,
9. Laski h , J. Parliamentary Government in England.
10. Munro, w. B . The Government of Europe.

PSS-242: Political sociology

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

a) Political Sociology : Nature,  Scope, and emergence Political Sociology and Sociology of Politics
b) Relationship of Political Sociology with other social sciences
c) Social Stratification and Political Power Class, Caste and Elite.
d)  Political Institution: Group, Party and Bureaucracy, Pressure group
e) Political Participation: Conditions, forms and Processes, electoral Politics and Voting behavior
f)  Public Opinion and Political Socialization
g) Social Inequality: Class, gender, minority
h) Social Problems in Bangladesh: Corruption, Violence,  Environmental Pollution, Abuse of  Modern Technology

Books Recommended:
1. Lipset and Bendix, Class, Status and Power: Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective, Ladan, R. KP, 1970 .
2. Dipti kumer Biswas, Political Sociology: An Introduction Calculta, Firma KLM, 1976 .
3.  T.B Bottoardre, Elites and Society, Penguin, 1971.
4. Lewis Aj. Coser Cedl , Political Sociology: Selected Essays New York, Harper and Raw, 1967 .
5. Rosert A. Dahl , Modern Political  Analysis, New Delli Prentice Hall , 1974
6.  Colin Leys (ed), Politics and Change in Developing Countries, Cambridge, 1969
7. T. B. Bottowdre, Classes in Modern Society London, GAW, 1979
8. Lucian Pye and Verba, Political Cultures and Political Development Priacetion, 1967.
9. Willam Kornhauser, Politics of Mass Society, New york, Free press , 1967
10.  S. N. Eiseadat (ed),  Political Sociology, New york Basic Books, 1971,

PSS-243: Islamic political Systems
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
a) Fundamental concepts of Islam: Faith, freedom brotherhood, equality, peace, security, war etc. Fundamentals of Islam:
b) Social Political and economic systems. Islam: Development & modernity, the challenges from and to Islam: Islamic State: Basis and purpose, historical development, The Medina Charter, Rights of Non-Muslim in Islamic state, status of women in Islamic state, Islam & Human rights
c) Political Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic State: Nationalism, secularism, communalism, militancy, terrorism and fundamentalism, Islamic state Vis-à-vis western democratic state
d) Islamic Economy: Meaning and Scope, Distribution of Income and Wealth, Interest and Profit, Some aspects of Public Finance-Zakat, Jiziya, Kharaj, Spoils of war (Ganimah), Tax, Customs and Duties

Book Recommended:
1. Illyas Ahmed, The Social Contract and the Islamic State, All ahabad, 1994.
2. Enayat Hamid, Modern Islamic Political Thought, Austrian, 1982
3. Furrukh Omer, Ibn – Taiyunia an Public and Private Law in Islam, Beint, 1966.
4. W. Montgocnerns Watt, Islamic Political, Thought, Ediaburgh, 1980
5. Hasan Askari, Society and State in Islam an Introduction, Delli , 1978
6. Bernerd lew is, The Political Language of Islam , Chicege, 1980
7.  Hasan Farooq, The Concept of State and Law in Islam London, 1979.
8.Engineer Asghar Ali, The Islamic State, New Delli, 1980
9. Islmael Tareq,  Government and Politics in Islam London, 1985
10.  Moududi Syyid Abul Ala, Towards Understanding Islam,
11.  Mohammad Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Lahore, Muhammad Ashraf , Rep, 1962
12. Ayatullh Khomeni, Islamic Government, Areekode ( India ) , Islamic Foundation press, 1988.
13.  U A B Razia Akter Banu, Islam in Bangladesh.
14. Rubean Lavy , The Social Structure of Islam.
15.  Abdur Rzzak The Islamic State
16.  Haq, Ifran ul, Economic Doctrines of Islam, IIIT, Virginia, USA, 1996
17. W. Av. Kwig Rvq`vb, Bmjvgx  ivóz e¨e¯’v,
18. kvn gy. nvweeyi ingvb, Bmjvgx A_©bxwZ
19. gyn¤§` mvjvûÏxb, Bmjv‡g gvbevwaKvi
2. gvIjvbv gyn¤§` Avãyi inxg ,Avj †KviAv‡b ivóª I miKvi
21.  ‡gvnv¤§` KzZze ,åvwš—i †eovRv‡j Bmjvg

PSS-244: approaches to the Study of politics
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
a)  Meaning, Nature and Scope, Institutional and Behavioral Concept.
b)  The Scientific Study of Politics-Concept, Generalizations, Explanations, Models
c)  Theories, Elementary Data Analysis
d)  Approaches to the Study of Politics: Traditional and Modern, System Analysis, Functional Analysis, Elite Theories, Group theories, Role Theories, Decision Theories, Conflict Theories, Power Approach, Psycho-Analytic Approaches, Marxist and Neo-Marxist Approaches, Current Trends,
Books Recommended:
1. Kaplan, Abraham. The Conduct of Inquiry.
2.Isaac.A, C .  : The Method and Scope of Political science.
3.Blondel, J : The Discipline of Politics.
4.Eugene, J , Mechan : The Theory and Method of Political Analysis.
5.Lasswell, H, D . & Lerner, Danial (ed.):The Policy Science
6.Storing , Herbert, Jb. Essays on The Scientific Study of  Politics.

PSS-245: POLITICS and personalities in the sub continent
3 Hours / Week, 3 credits
a) Nawab Sirazuddolah and the battle of Palassy, the dominance of colonial masters and the movement of self – determination, Hazi Shariat Ullah and Shaheed Titumeer , Syed Ahmed Brelovy, Sir Syed Ahmed, Nawab Abdul Latif, Hazi Muhammad Mohsin, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Biddyassagar,M.N Roy.
b) Political Contribution: Ghandi Nehru, CR Das, Netahaji, Jinnah, Mawlana Azad Allama Iqbal, Mawlana Moududi, AK Fazlul Hoque, HS Showarawardy, Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Abul Monsur Ahmed, Sheik Mujibur Rahman Tajuddin Ahmed, Ziaur Rahman.
c) Female Personalities: Nawab Faizunnessa, Begum Rokeya, Sarojini Naidu, Pritilata, Ila Mitra, Sufia Kamal, Jahanara Imam, Indira Gandhi, Benzir Bhutto, C. Kumaratunga.

Books Recommended:
1.  Young, Tan Tai, Soci – political and Economic Challenges in South asia, Sage  Publications India, 2009
2. Gandhi, M. K. The Story of My Experience with Truth,  Dover Publications, India, 1983
3. Sing, Jainnah India – Partition Independence, Rupa Publications, India, 2009
4. B. Hunter K Mallick: Nonviolence: A Readerin Enthics of Action
5. Vemak. Anand, Reassessing  Pakistan: the role of two – nation theory, The Centre for Policy Research, new Delhi.
6. Azad, Abul Kalam: India Wins Freedom.
7. Jahan Rounaq, Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issues
8. Gandhi, Indira : My Truth, 1983.
9. Rokeya Rochomboli
10. Frank, Katherine: Indira : the life of Indira Nehru Gandhi, 2002.
11. Bhutto, Benazir: Daughter of The East

PSS-351: Introduction to International Politics

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

a) International Politics- Meaning, Nature, Scope, Development of International Politics,
-Approaches to the Study of International Politics.
-Nature & Development of International Society, International and Regional Society,
-Nationalism & National Power, National Interest,
-Balance of Power, Bi-Polarity, Multi-Polarity, Uni-polarity
b) Regional & Collective Security, Diplomacy & Risk  Analysis,  6. Foreign Policy: Objectives & Goals, Determinants of Foreign Policy, Formulation & Execution
c) UN & International institutions & new imperatives of global politics.
Books Recommended:
1. Burrton,J.W.:International Politics-A General Theory.
2. Glaude, Inis : Power & International Relations.
3. Hoffman, Stanely  : Contemporary International Relations.
4. Lievber, R.J. : Theory & World Politics.
5. Morse, Edward.L.: Modernization And The Transformation of International Relations.

PSS-352: Research Methodology-i

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

a) Importance of Research in Social Science.
b) i) Basic Elements of Social Research. Concepts, Definitions, variables, Hypothesis, Theory, Ethics in Social Research. ii) Types of Social Research: Exploratory, Descriptive, Experimental, And Explanatory.
c)  Research Design: Selection of the problem, Review of the literature, Development of Hypotheses, Operationalization of the variables, methods of data collection, Analysis plan.
d) Methods of data collection:  Construction of Interview Schedule, Questionnaires, Interviewing, Sampling.
e)  Data Analysis: Coding, Manual Tabulation, Computer Tabulation,
f) Quantitative techniques and its use in Social Research.
g)  The Research Report: Mechanism of Report Writing, The structure & Types of Research Report.
Books Recommended:
1.K. D. Balley - Methods of Social Research
2.Goods of Hatal - Methods in Social Research
3.Herring  - Research for Public Policy
4.Nanlin  - Foundation of Social Research
5.Paul Young - Scientific Social Surveys and Research
6.David Nachmlas & Chava Nachmlas - Research Methods in Social Science.
7.M. H. Gopal - An Introduction to Research Procedure in Social Science
8.Bernard S. Phillips - Social Research: Strategy & Tactics
9.C. F. Seltiz et, al. - Research Methods in Social Relations
10.George A. Lundberg - Social Research
11.Herbert Hyman - Interviewing in Social Research
12.BARD - Research Methodology for Rural Development.
4 Hours/week, 4 Credits
a) Military in Politics: a theoretical perspective, Theory of civil-military relations. Political role of the military in developing countries. Legitimacy crisis and process of civilianization of the military rulers.
b) Consequences of military rule: development or decay? Military withdrawal and advent of democratization process. Military withdrawal from politics : a myth or reality.
c) Military build-up and National security: concept and elements of national security, strategies for security maintenance- global change, New world order, New security concept, regional context, relevance for Bangladesh.

Book Recommended
1)       S.E. Finer, The Man on Horseback: The Role of Military in Politics, Pall Mall Press, London, 1962.
2)       Talukder Maniruzzaman, Military Withdrawal from Politics: A Comparative Study, Cambridge, Balliner Publishers. 1987.
3)       Eric a Nordlinger, Soldiers in Politics: Military Coups and Governments, New Jersey, Prentic Hall, 1977.
4)       John J. Johnson (ed.), The Role of the Military In Underdeveloped Countries, Princeton, Peinceton University Press, 1962.
5)       Morris Janowitz, Military Institutions Coercion in the Developing Nations, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1977.
6)       Samuel P. Huntington, The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1957.
7)       C.E. Welch (ed), Civilian Control of the Military: Theory and Cases from Developing Countries, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1976.
8)      Zillur Rahman Khan, Martial Law to Martial Law; The Leadership Crisis in Bangladesh, University Press Ltd. Dhaka, 1995.

PSS-354: Introduction to Political Economy
4 Hours/Week,4 Credits

a) Basic Concepts: Capitalism, Socialism, Mixed Economy, Intermediate Regime, Development Models and Strategies, Free Market Economy
b) History of Economic Analysis: Mercantilism, Colabatism, Commercialization -Concept, Regulation of Economic Life, Economic Growth & Development: Basic Ideas of Economic Growth and Development, Balanced & Unbalanced Growth.
c) Role of the State in Economic Development
d) Sustainable Development: Environment and Poverty Alleviation
e) Agriculture - Agriculture and Economic Development Land reform in Bangladesh
f) Industrialization: Industrialization and Economic Development. Problems of Industrialization in Developing Countries.

Books Recommended:
1. Ghatak & Ingersent  : Agricultural  and Economic Development.
2. Eicher & Statz : Agricultural Development in the Third World
3. Todaro  : Economic Development in the Third World
4. Chandra : Industrialization & Development in the Third World.
5. Deane   ; The State & Economic System.
6. Kruger: Political Economy of policy reform in Developing Countries
7. Wells, Jr.  : Third World Multinationals.
8. Borooah & Ploeg : Political Aspects of Economy
9. Sobhan R  : The public Enterprise.

4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

a) Maritime Explorations – New World – Colonization – Laissez- fair.  Europe before French Revolution: The French Revolution – The Rise of Napoleon. French, German, Russian and British Imperialism. The Great powers of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. The Soviet Union – Cooperation and Conflict in Europe. 1920-39. Europe at War, 1939-45. Europe. After the War – The Political Satate of Europe. 1945-50 – the Cold War – Current Changes in the Eastern Europe – Emergence of New States and the New Political Order.
b) Modern Africa: The Colonial period. The War of Independenc. The Formation of a National Government. The Civil War. The Eara of Expansion and reform. Conflict abroad, Social Change at Home. Americal in the World.
c) De-colonization and New – Colonialism
d) Issues in Communist Politics and Post-Communist era
e) Emerging Power: France, India, Iran, Malaysia, Brazil, South Africa, Cuba, Venezuela, South Korea,
Book Recommended:
1. Henrey Bamford Parkes, The United State of America: A History, Khosla Publisihing House, New Delhi, 1986.
2. Chartes Downer Hazen, Modern Europe, Schand and Company Limited, New Delhi, 1977.
3. V.D Mohajan, History of Modern Europe, Schand and Company Limited, New Delhi, 1992.
4. ‡mwjZzK W. I Ab¨vb, †mvwf‡qZ mgv‡Ri BwZnvm, cÖMwZ cÖKvkK, 1973|
5. Kvjvg Aveyj, divmx wec­‡ei cUf~wg, evsjv GKv‡Wgx, XvKv
6. ‰mq` gKmy` Avjx, divmx wec­‡evËi wPš—vaviv, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq, XvKv|
7. ‡K Avjx, AvaywbK BDw‡iv‡ci cwiPq, Avjx AvaywbK BD‡iv‡ci cwiPq, Avjx cvewj‡KkÝ , XvKv, 1985 |
3 Hours / Week, 3 Credits
a)  Introduction: Definition of Qualitative Research, Distinction between Qualitative and      Quantitative Research, the Importance of Qualitative Research in Social Science, Types of Qualitative Research.
b)  Major Paradigm & Perspectives: Constructivist, Interpretive Approach in Qualitative Research, Models of Qualitative Research.
c) Strategies of Inquiry: Qualitative Research Design; Metaphor, Case Studies, Ethnography and Participant Observations, Phenomenology, Ehno-Methodology, Interpretive Practice, Grounded Theory Methodology.
d) Methods of Collecting & Analyzing Empirical Materials: Interviewing; The Art of Science, Observational Techniques, Interpretation of Documents, Visuals Methods, Personal Experience Methods, Data Management & Analysis Methods, Content and Thematic Analysis.
e) The Art of Interpretation, Evaluation, Presentation, Assessing in Interpretive Validity, the Art and the Politics of Interpretations, Writing a Method of Inquiry, Qualitative Program Evaluation, Influencing Policy Process with Qualitative Research.
f) The Future & Prospects in Qualitative Research.

Books Recommended:
1. Denzin & Lincoln(ed), Handbook of Qualitative Research, Sage Publication, 1994
2. Emerson, R.M(ed), Contemporary Field Research
3. Schtzmanl, A, L, Strauss, Field Research-Strategies for a Natural Sociology

PSS-363: RURAL DEVELOPMENT and Rural politics
4 Hours/week, 4 Credits
a) Rural Society of Bangladesh.
b) Rural Social Structure & Organization: Stratification patterns, Samaj and shalis,
c) Rural power structure: Traditional and New Emerging leadership pattern : Myth & Realty, the Evaluation of Local Government institution, politics of Local Government, and importance agencies of social control in rural society.
d) Rural Social Group & Institutions: Family, Marriage & Kinship patterns of Rural Society.
e) Adaptation of Modern Technologies in agricultural Production.
f) Rural Economy: Local Tenure Systems - Diversities & changes: Distribution of concentration of Land holdings Transforming Agrarian Structure: i) Plea of land Reform ii) Theories of land Reform iii) Typology of land reform. The Institutions of Rural Development of Administration. i) The Role of BARD Commilla ii) The Role of RDA Bogra iii) The Role of RDTI Sylhet
g) The Strategy of Rural Development: i) Problems of Rural Bangladesh and overview of rural community. ii) Technological change, The Theory & Measurement of Technological change. iii) Food Aid: Its Impact on production, Efforts and policy implementation. iv) Rural Works programme (RWP) / Food for works programme (FWP), Food for education programme v) Thana irrigation programme vi) Land Legislation and implementation vii) The Advent & role of the NGO's
N.B. The students will have to prepare individual or group reports on any issue of Rural development in Bangladesh.

Books Recommended:
1. Abedin, Nazmul. Local Administration and Politics in Modernizing Societies: Bangladesh and Pakistan, Dhaka: Oxford University Press, 1973.
2. Ahmed, Ali. Administration of Local Self-Government in Rural Areas in Bangladesh, Dhaka: NILG, 1979.
3. Alderfer, Harold F. Local Government in Developing Countries, New York: McGraw-Hill Company, 1964.
4. Ali, A. M. M. Shawkat Politics, Development and Upazila, Dhaka: NILG, 1986.
5. Ali, S. Maqsood. Decentralisation and People’s Participation in Bangladesh, Dhaka: NIPA, 1981.
6. Cheema, G. S. and D. A. Rondinelli (Eds.) Decentralisation and Development: Policy Implementation in Developing Countries, Baverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1983.
7. Choudhury, M. A. Local Government in Rural East Pakistan,
8. Hye, Hasanat Abdul. Local Level Planning, Dhaka: NILG,
9. Shrestha, Tulsi Narayan. The Concept of Local Government and Decencentralization, Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1996.
10. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Governance in Bangladesh: Leading Issues and Major Challenges, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 2000.
11. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Government in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1994.
12. Siddiqui, Kamal. Local Government in South Asia: A Comparative Study, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1991.
13. Siddiqui, Noore Alam. Decentralisation and Development: Theory and Practice in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 1997.
14. Tepper, Eliot. Changing Patterns of Administration in Rural East Pakistan, Michigan: Michigan State University, 1966.
15. Tinker, Hugh. Foundations of Local Self-Government in India, Pakistan and Burma, London: Athlone Press, 1954.
16. Weltz, R.  - Rural Development in Changing World.
17. Zaide S. M. Hafeez  - The Village Culture in Transition
18. Hasnat Abdul Hye - Local level Planning
19. Ali Azher - Rural Development in Bangladesh
20. Arther Raper - Rural development in action : Comprehensive Experiment at Comilla (Cornel University press             1970)
21. The works of Akhter Hamidul Khan Vol-ii (Comilla BARD - 1983)
22.  Wahidul Haque et al – Towards a Theory of Rural Development ( Bangkok: UN – Asian  Devolopment Institute 1975)
23. Commilla Academy b) Modernizing Rural Bangladesh.
PSS-364: war of liberation and Emergence of Bengladesh (1947-71)
3 Hours / Week, 3 Credits

a)  Pakistan - Religious Nationalism and Secular politics.
Pakistan:.East-West Relationship, development of internal colonialism.
The constitution of 1956, 1962 and their working - Center--Province relations.
Martial Law regimes, Nation building, State building, Basic Democracy and its impact in politics.
b) Language Movement 1952, 1962 Constitutional Movement:, 1965 war and 1966 - Six  point Formula - Autonomy  movement , 1968-1969 Mass  Movement : Non Cooperation  Movement and struggle for constitutional  Autonomy ,   Election of 1970.
c) War of Liberation 1971: Application of force by Pakistani Army, Genocide and Mass killing, Rape, Destruction, Freedom Fighters, Guerilla warfare,
Mass participation in war, Collaboration of a section with Pakistani Army,
Role of India, USSR, USA, UNO,
War in Different fronts: Role of Bangalis Abroad, Role of “Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendro” and other cultural forces
Killings of Intellectuals on 14th December
d) Spirit of the Liberation war and engagement by new generation, Demand for war criminal trial
Books Recommended:
1. Talukdar Maniruzzaman, The Bangladesh Revolution and Its Aftermath, Dhaka: UPL, 1988
- Politics of Development: The Case of Pakistan 1947-1958, Dhaka: Green Book House, 1980
- Radical Politics and the Emergence of Bangladesh, Dhaka: Bangladesh Books
International, 1975
- Group Interests and Political Changes, New Delhi, 1982.
2. Rounaq Jahan , Pakistan: Failure in National Integration, NY: Columbia University
Press, 1972.
- Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issues, Dhaka, UPL, 1980
3. Khalid Bin Sayeed, Politics in Pakistan: The Nature and Direction of Change, NY:
Praeger Publishers, 1980.
4. G.W Choudhury, The Last Days of United Pakistan, London: C Hurst, 1974.
5. Islam Rafiqul: Bangladesh Liberation Movements; International Legal Implication, Dhaka, UPL, 1987
6. Dixit, JN, Liberation and Beypnd, Dhaka, UPL, 1999
7. Indian Foreign Ministry, Bangladesh Document, Delhi, 1972


3 Hours / Week, 3 Credits
a) Epistemological Foundation of the Study of  Gender: Theories of gender, Different Schools: Liberal, Radical, Marxist, Psychoanalytic, Existential, Post modernism and feminist thought,Black feminism,Third World feminism, Eco-feminism.
b) Women and the State: Acephalus, Feudal, Pre- Colonial, Colonial, Capitalist,Socialist: Women in the society: Religion, Patriarchy, Race, Class, Ethnicity, Sexuality, ideology of domesticity, male diminance, Parda, Honour and Shame
c) The Political Economy of Gender in Bangladesh: Forms of  exploitation of women: Sexual division of labour and capitalism: Class, ideology and the family household: Work,Wages and Economic conditions: Work and women’s migration: Gender and health: Discrimination in education: Violence against women: Representation in the media.
d) Developmental Approach to Gender: NGO programmes for women, WID, WAD, GAD, Women and Human Rights, UNO initiatives, Conferences on women, Impact of globalization.
e) Women’s organizations, Women’s movement, Resistance against male oppression
f) Different Laws related to women’s empowerment, Gender Development Policy in Bangladesh.
Books Recommended:
1. Tong Rusemary, Feminist Thought : A Comprehensive Introduction, London, Routeledge, 1985.
2. Gould, Carol (ed), Gender : Key concepts in Critical Theory, Huminities Press, NJ,1997.
3. Rosaldo M and Lamphire (ed), Women, Culture and Society : A Theoretical Overview, Stamford, Stamford  University Press, 1947.
4. Barbara A Marshall, Engendering Modernity : Feminism, Social Theory and Social  Change,UK, Polity Press, 1988
5. Whelehan Imelda, Modern Feminist Thought, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press,1995.
6. Stiftung F E, Women in Politics, New Delhi, Har Anand Publications, 1993.
7. McDowell L and Sharp JP (ed), Space, Gender, Knowledge : Feminist Readings, London, Arnold,1997.
8. Jahan, Rounaq, Elusive Agenda, Main Streaming Women in Development, Dhaka, UPL,1995.
9. Beneria Lowrdes (ed), Women in Development : The Sexual Division of Labour in Rural Societies, USA, Prawger,1994.
10. Hamida Hossain, No Better Option? Industrial  Women Workers in Bangladesh, Dhaka,UPL, 1992.
11. Randal Vicky, Women and Politics : An International Perspective,Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1987.
12.  Engels , Friedrich, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the state, New York, Pathfinder Press, 1972
13. Salma Khan, The fifty percent: Women in Development and Policy in
Bangladesh, Dhaka, UPL, 1992
14. B.L Marshall, Engendering Modernity: Feminism, Social Theory and Social Change,
Polity  Press,UK,1988
15.L. Genda  ,The Creation Of Patriarchy,NY:1986
16.B. Nelson And Najma Choudhuiry, Women and Politics Worldwide, London,Yale University
Press, 1994
17. Collection of Articles, Polity Reader of Gender, Polity Press. UK, 1994
18. Quddus, Abdul & Shakil, Mohammad Jahirul Hoque, Bangladesher Artho-Samajik Preksapote Narir Khamotayan: Somassa O Sombabona (Bangla Book), 2002.
19. Simon De Beauvir, The Second Sex

PSS-472: POLITICS IN South Asia (India, Pakistan, SriLanka, Nepal, BHUTAN, MAYANMAR)

4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

a). Government and Political systems in South Asia:
- Society and Politics in South Asia in the colonial & post colonial era.
- Common political characteristics & systems, Political mobilization and the rise of Nationalism.
- Constitution and the nature of the Governments, Civilian, Military – Bureaucratic oligarchy.
- Instruments of Power and control, Institutionalization of Political Party, Bureaucracy and Interest Groups.
b)  Process of democratization:
- Economic development and relations between south and Southt Asia.
- The origins of the Public Bureaucracies in the South and South-East Asia.
c). The civil Service Systems :
– Structure, Composition and Function of Central and Field Administration.
- Personnel Administration, Recruitment, Selection, Training & the role of central personnel Agency.
d) South & South-East Asian Regional & Economic Organizations :
- Their formation and future: SAARC, SAPTA, ASEAN.
e)Common Regional Issues:
- Maritime boundary, border security, water share, Refugee problem, cross border terrorism, women and child trafficking etc.

Books Recommended:
1. Spencer   : Srilanka
2.  Boxter,Craig  Ed. Government & Politics In South Asia.

3. Sar Desai, D R  Southeast Asia : past and present, 1997

PSS-473: Foreign Policies of Major powers
3 Hours/ Week 3 Credits

a) Foreign Policy: Definition, nature, and its aims and objectives, approaches to the study of Foreign Policy Determinants of foreign policy, foreign policy and diplomacy, foreign policy and international relations, foreign policy and domestic policy.
b) Foreign Policy of USA. Background and salient features of USA foreign policy, US Policy towards Middle - East, Europe, south and south-east Asia, Changing US Policy after 9/11 as the implementation of the theory of Clash of Civilization. USA– Bangladesh Relation.
c) EU-Bangladesh Relation
d) Foreign policy of Japan: principle and salient features of Japanese foreign policy, economic basis of Japan’s foreign policy, Japanese approach to major global and regional issues, Japanese approach to the third world. USA- Japan Relation.
e) Foreign of China: Salient features, China's relations with USA , Japan, Pakistan and India, China and nuclear weapons.
f) Case studies:  India vs. Pakistan, , Afghanistan,  Vietnam, North Korea , Iraq , Israel vs. Palestine, Ireland, Middle East.

Books Recommended:
1. Sthmibt W. Steffen, Shelley C. Mack and Vebara A. Bardes, American Government and Politics Today, 1999-2000.
2. Palmer D. Norman, Perkins C. Howard, International Relations, Delhi, 1997.
3. Albright, Madeleine K. ( June 1994), Realism and Idealism in American Foreign Policy Today, U. S. Department of State Dispatch 5, No. 56: 434.
4. Bhola, P. L. (2001), Foreign Policies of India, Pakistan and China, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur.
5. Cmpbell, Kurt. (2001), New Directions in U. S.  Policy toward Asia: The Initial Bush Approach, American Foreign Policy Interest 23, No. 4, 209-214.
6. Chandra , Prakash, (1994), International Relations Foreign Policies of Major Power and Regional System’s  Vikash Publishing  House Pvt Ltd. New Delhi.
7. Cleveland, Hrlan ( 2005), American Foreign Policy; Learning to Lead A New , Occasional Paper from the Americn Forum For Global  Education  No. 179.
8. Jha , Nalini Kant ( 2003) South Asia in twenty – First Century India. her Neighbours, and the Great powers, ed. South Asian Pub, New Delhi.
9. Kapur , Ashok et. al, (2002),  India and the United States in a Changing World, ed, Sage, New Delhi,
10. Northedge F. S (ed),  Foreign Policies of the Powers.
11. Varma S. P and Misra K. P. (eds) , Foreign  Polices in South Asia.
12. Rostow, W. W. The United States in The World Arena.
13. Dutt, V. P. Chinese Foreign Policy.
14. Hasan K. Sarwar, China, India and Pakistan.
15. Drifle , Reinhard,  Japan’s Foreign Policy.


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

a)  Comparative Politics; Meaning, Nature & Scope.
b) Comparative Inquiry: System Theories, System as Structure & Function.
c)  Modernization-Theory of Modernization; Critiques of Modernization; Modernization, The Politics of Modernization.
d)  Democratization, Culture & Dialogue of civilization–Politics of democratization; Conflict and management of democratic institutions in developing countries; Cultural diversity and pluralism in democratic societies; Problems, Issues and resolution Culture, Modernization and Sustainable development. Theories of Development, Growth with Redistribution, Search for Alternative Paradigm. Recent Trends of Development-Structural Adjustment & Market Reforms.
e)  Dependency- Definitions, Major Concepts & Tools of Analysis, Development & Dependent Capitalist Development. Critiques of  Dependency Theory.
f) Unequal & Uneven Development.
g) State, Military & Bureaucracy; Populism & Bureaucratic Authoritarianism, Military Rule & Economic Growth..
Books Recommended:
1.Apter, D: The Politics of Modernization.
2.Welch, C (ed): Political Modernization.
3.Kitching: Development & Underdevelopment in Historical Perspective
4.Randall & Theobald : Political Change & Underdevelopment.
5.Hoogvelt: The Third World in Global Development.
6.Macneill, Winsemius, Yakushiji,: Beyond Independence.
7.Eckstein & Apter:   Comparative politics
8.Learner:    Traditional society
9. Almond & Powell: Comparative Politics
10.  Johari   ; Comparative Politics

PSS-475: Politics in Developing countries

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

a) Theories on Post Colonial Societies.
b) Imperialism, Neo Imperialism- Colonial Situation, Legacies of Colonialism.
c)  Nationalism & State Formation-The Rise of The Nationalist Challenges to Colonial Rule, The Grant of Independence, Nature & Sequence of Political Development) .
d) Conflict between State building and Nation Building in Plural Societies, Party Formation & Competitions, Electoral Contest, Political Leadership, & Ideologies, Political Culture.  Class Formation-Elite Formation, Socio-Economic Divisions. Role of Different Classes, Role of Civil –Military Bureaucracy,  Change & Development-Social Mobilization, Political Participation, Instability, Violence, Revolution, & the Politics of Integration.  Military in Politics.
Books Recommended:
1.Almond & Coleman  : The Politics of Developing Societies.
2.Almond & Powell, Comparative Politics
3.Eckstein & Apter, Comparative Politics.
4.Macridis & Brown, Comparative Politics.
5.Norwine & Gonzalez, The Third World
6.Clapham, Third World Politics
7.Edwards ,The Fragmented World.
Hamza Alavi , Capitalism and Colonial Production : Essays on the Rise of Capitalism in Asia.
Fred Halliday and Hamza Alavi, States and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan.
8..Kamrava, Mehran, Politics & Society in the Third World.
PSS-481: Political Management in Bangladesh
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
a) Political Management : Meaning, Scope and Subject Matters, Functions of Political Management; The Techniques of Political Management.
b) Management of Political Conflict : Crisis management in the electoral, legislative and issue management arenas; Factional politics Role of International Organizations.
c) Relationships between Politics and Bureaucracy : Central, Regional and Grassroots levels:
d) Government- Interest Group relations : FBCCI, DCCI, BGMEA, SKOP, BMA and other interest groups.
Management of Electoral Politics : Role of the Election Commission , Political Parties, Caretaker Government: Selection of EC.
e) Election and Campaign Finance Law: Election law and Campaign, Fundraising in Elections, Elections in Bangladesh,Change and Factors in election campaigns- Recent trends and Electoral Corruption.
f) Contemporary Communications Media: Role of Media in Democracy, Influence of Media in Elections and Campaign of Political parties, Public Opinion.
g) Evolving Social and Political Changes within Society.

Book Recommendations:

1) Blakeley  and Boris, Political Management in  Canada 2nd edition ( University of Toronto Press, 1998)
2. Good, The Politics of Public  Management ( University of Toronto press, 1998)
3. Muhammad Yeahia Akhter, Electoral Coruption in Bangladesh ( Enlane : Ash gate Publishing Limited, 2001)
4. Mark H, Moore, Creating Public Value: Strident management in Government.
5. Michael E. Kraft and Seat R Furlong Public Politics analysis and Management Moons Ahmad ( ed. ) Paradigns of Conflict Resolution south Asia.
6. Harun or Rashid, An Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies.
7. Sabur Humayun Kabir, Conflict Managemnet and Sub – Regional Cooperation in Asian Relevance for SAARC.
8. Zinnat Ara Nazneen, Popular Participation in Local Administration
9. The CCHRB ELECTION Observation report: the Eighth Parliamentary election – 2001.
10. Salauddin ahmed , Bangladesh Past and present.
11. NDI, Making Every Vote Count: domestic Election monitory in Asia
12. Humayun kabir, Civil Society  and Democracy in Bangladesh.
13. Talukdar Maniruzzaman, Group Interests and Political Changes: Studies of Pakistan and Bangladesh.
14.  gynv¤§` BqvnBqv AvLZvi, `yb©xwZi ¯^iƒcA‡š¦lYY evsjv‡`k ( XvKv, wb‡e`b cvewj‡Kkb, 1990


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
a) Project Management : concepts and models -  definition, fe3atures and types of project, Clements and models – definition, features and types of project, Clements and functions of project management, models of project management
b) Deferent aspects of project: Projects as an alternative approach for development management,  traditional management and project management features and difference.
c) Project management – project  Cycle: Project idea , project identification, pre- feasibility, approval, implementation and evaluation, project performance indicators,
d) Project planning;  Steps in project planning, planning process – time planning, manpower, CPM/ PERT – network analysis, modern project planning systems, project planning methods.
e) Project direction: Coordination and control, project direction, communication in a project, project coordination, project control, scope/ progress control, performance control, schedule control, cost corporal , methods of project control, additional factors in the control of projects.
f) Project feasibility: Different techniques and tool, financial analysis, economic analysis, managerial and administrative feasibility, environmental feasibility, legal feasibility.
g) Project monitoring: Approaches and techniques
h) Project evaluation: Objectives, types and methods.
i) Project development process in Bangladesh: Role of Planning commission, planning units of concem ministries, NEC, ECNEC, donors/ development partners(Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral, NGOs), resource mobilization, procedure for release of funds, financing projects under ADP, problems and issues with particular focus to ADP.
Books Recommended:
1. Dye, T, R,  Understanding policy, New jersey, Prentice – hall, 1980
2. Sapru, , , R.K, Public Policy: Formulation and Evolution, New Delhi, Stering Publishers private limited, 1994
3. Mahtab, N, “ Public Policy: A theoretical perspective”, LO, Vo, 1, No, 1, 1990
4. Stockey, E- and Zeckhuaser, R,A primer for Policy Analysis, NY, Norton , 1978
5. Dunn, W. N,  Publicy analysis: An introduction, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice – Hall. 1981
6. Smith, T.B, “ Policy Implementation process”  in Policy , Science , 4, 1993
7. zafrullah H. (ed.). Policy Issues in Bangladesh, UPL

3 Hours/ Week, 3 Credits

a) Policy Science: Meaning, nature, and utility of policy science; basic assumption of policy science, policy, politics and administration.
b) Public Policy: Meaning, scope, significance and importance of public policy, the categories of public policy, politics & administration and public policy.
c) Models & Approach: Approaches to the study of public policy: systems approach, structure functional approach, rational approach, behavioral approach, etc.
d) Policy Making: Process of policy making; dynamics in policy formation; forces in the policy making process, roles of different agencies in policy making, conditions of the donors – IMF WB, ADB, constraints in policy making and policy implementation.
e) Policy Analysis: Policy and public policy analysis, sources of policy analysis, principles in policy analysis, framework for policy analysis.
f) Analysis of public policy in Bangladesh: Agriculture Policy, Health Policy, Environmental Policy, Industrial Policy, Education Policy, energy Policy, Women Development Policy etc.
d) Policy Implementation: Policy implementation, problems in policy implementation. Policy Evaluation.

Books Recommended:
1. Dye, T. R: Understanding Public Policy, New Jersey, Prentice- Hall, 1980.
2. Sparu, R. K. Public Policy: Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation, New Delhi Sterling Publishers private Itd, 1994.
3. Mahtab, N: Public Policy: A Theorical Perspective, LOC> Vo., 1, No, 1. 1990
4. Smith, T. B: Policy Implementation Process, in Policy Science, 4,1973.
5. Zafarullah, H. (ed): Policy’ Issues in Bangladesh, UPL.

3 Hours/Week,3 Credits
a) Globalization: Concept; Nature; Aspects; Trends; Democratization; The community of Democracies; The concept of world community and its challenges;
b) The concept of international organization: Forms of international organizations; The United Nations-:origin and development of The UN since 1945, The UN organizations- UGC, USC, OC, ICJ, UNICEF; UN’s achievements and failures. Other international organizations: OIC, NAM, Commonwealth.
c) Development of capitalism: Competitive to monopoly, Industrial capital to finance capital imperialism; World capitalist system- center- periphery relations; World trade system, Trade liberalization GATT; Market economy vs protectionism and regionalism-NAFTA, AFTA; Different rounds of GATT, Dunkel text and structure of WTO, TRIM, TRIP, GATT; Uruguay Round and Agriculture; Uruguay Round and Multinational company or Mega corporations; Trade liberalization and WTO; Globalization of capital. World Bank IMF: Brettonwoods conference, Creation and Growth of the World Bank and The IMF Affiliated institutions and their functions (IDA, IFC etc.)- Their role in Third World development, Structural adjustment policies and their implications.
d)  Neo International Economic Order.
Books Recommended:
1. P Hirst and G Thompson, Globalization in Question: The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996;
2. William W keller and Others, The Myth of Global Corporation, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998;
3. Howard F Didsbury (ed.) Global Economy: Today, Tomorrow and the Transition, Bethesda: World Future Society, 1985;
4.Frank J Fabozzi, Capital Markets: Institutions and Instruments, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1992;
5.C Raghavan, Recolonization: GATT, the Uruguay Round and the third World, Penang: Third World Network, 1991;
6. M Talalay, C Farrands and R Tooze (eds.) Technology, Culture and Competitiveness: Change and the World Economy, London: Routledge, 1997;
7. Ferdous Hossain, GATT theke WTO: punjir Antorjatikikaron O Tritiya Bishwer Rajnaitik Arthaniti (in Bengali), Dhaka: Progressive Publishers, 1996;
8. Anand G Ghandavarkar, The International Monitory Fund: Its Financial Organization and Activities,IMF, Washington,DC: IMF,1984;
9.K M Matin, Bangladesh and the IMF: An Exploratory Study, Dhaka: BIDS, 1986;
10.Shafique-uz-Zaman, “ Is Structural Adjustment a Sufficient Condition for Private Foreign and domestic Investment?”, Journal of International Relations, VOL.||, No.2, January-June,1995;
PSS-485: Politics in Bangladesh
3Hours/ week, 3 Credits
a) The Bangladesh Constitution: Major features, Deferent Amendments of the constitution
b) Political Process of Bangladesh during different regimes Sheikh Mujib regime and its  performance, Military
intervention and civilization of military regime, Ziaur Rahman regime and its performance , Military cope and Ershad regime, Mass upsurge of 1990, Care taker Government, Democratization  performance , Military cope and Ershad regime, Mass upsarge of 1990, Care taker Government, Democratization process in 1990s . Military backed Care taker Goverment.
c) Key  Issues – Nation Building, State Bulding , Demecratization, Political Participation, Electoral politics, Political partiies, Conflict and cleavages, Institution building, Role of Military , Role of Bureaucracy, Working of Parliamentary system, Class structure, People’s movements, Terrorism, Economic development, Role of donor agencies, Political culture.
d) Women and Politics in Bangladesh: Women’s participation in Legislature, Cabinet, Judiciary, Political parties. Administration, National and Local level,  Electoral Bodies, Women in state politics.

Books Recommended:
1. Maniruzzaman,T.  : Bangladesh Revolution & Its Aftermath.
2. Maniruzzaman,T.:Group Interests And Political Change_ Studies  of Pakistan And Bangladesh.
3. Jahan, Rounaq  : Bangladesh Politics _ Problems & Issues.
4. Jahan , Rounaq, pakistan, Failure in National Integration, NY Columbia University press, 1972.

5. Harun Shamsul Hauda, Parliamentary Behavior: A Multinational State 1947-1958, Bangladesh Experience, Dhaka, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. 1984.
6. Ahmed, Emajuddin (ed), Society and politics in Bangladesh, Academic Publishers, 1989
7. Ahmed, Emajuddin (ed) , Bureaucratic  Elite in Segmented Economic Growth , Pakistan & Bangladesh.
8. Ahmed Moudud, Bangladesh Constitutional Quest for Autonomy 1950-1971, Dhaka, UPL, 1992.
9. Ziring Lawrence, Bangladesh From Mujib to Ershad  An Interpretive Study, Dhaka, UPL, 1994
10. Hasanuzzaman al Masud, role of Oppostition in Bangladesh Politics, Dhaka, UPL, 1998.
11. cHAKROBARTY, SR (ed) , Bangladesh under Mujib Zia and Ershad, New Delhi, har Anand Publisher, 1995
12. Hakim Muhammad A, BangladeshPolitics . The Shahabuddin Interregman , Dhaka, UPL, 1993
12.  Franda , Marcus: Bangladesh – The First Decade.

PSS 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 SEMINAR +VIVA VOCE
2 Hours / Week, 1 Credits

Students of the class will be divided into groups (each consisting of five members at most). The group members will be selected randomly at the beginning of the semester. Each group has to write an article / seminar paper on a selected topics. The course teacher will help the student to choose an appropriate topics and to write the article / seminar paper. The group will discuss the paper at the end of the semester where all students, course teacher and other teacher will be present. The students may be evaluated by the course teacher or jointly by the course teacher or by selected teachers. At the end of the semester, each student has to face a viva voce as per rule. The course will be equally distributed between seminar and viva voce.

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